Thanks to Meagan for being my ride along today. She lead me out of Walla Walla with ‘Fever’ by Toad the Wet Sprocket.
Today was a step down from our Oregon experience. We had early 16 miles of chunky chip seal road with a slow constant incline- but this didn’t last all day- praise the lord Vader. It takes a toll with all the vibration on one’s butt (not the good kind ) and hands. Also we were witness to a red neck in a corvette who almost run down a construction road worker and later was spotted pulled over by a state trooper. Drama! Have to say drivers were as a whole less courteous of cyclists.
Today we had steady climbs and then, a long ten mile descent to a river. Nice. Then, after riding 96 miles we had 500 ft of climbing to get to our hotel perched at the top of a 14% incline! I walked up that last bit.
So here we are in Idaho, heading through Nez Perce territory tomorrow to Kamiah.